
Customer List Segmentation: The Fastest Path to Greater ROI

February 15, 2023 2:30 AM
45 min
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Thousands of companies across industries are sitting on reams of customer data but struggle to put it to work. Why? One major reason is that segmentation projects typically take months to complete, and, even when done well, don’t generate revenue until much later.

But this entire process is changing with the release of the Customer Data Segmentation feature in PersonaLive. In less than 10 minutes, you can transform your trove of customer data into actionable marketing audiences that drive 7x higher ROI over baseline.

This new feature streamlines customer segmentation in three steps:

  • Append segments to customer data by uploading a CSV.
  • Analyze segments by ranking them by total spend, LTV, and more.
  • Activate your segmented customer data immediately by sending audiences to digital marketing destinations.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to use the Customer Data Segmentation feature to: 

  • Rank the top 20% of customers driving the majority of revenue.
  • Personalize email campaigns to drive 17%+ higher CTR over baseline.
  • Translate segments into targetable audiences that drive 5–7x higher ROI.
Speaker profile picture
Lyden Foust
CEO & Co-founder @ Spatial.ai

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