Dataset Structure¶
Segments & Families¶
At its lowest level, PersonaLive classifies every individual as one of 80 segments (based on data about them and the area they live). For example, an individual may be classified as a #RoaringRetiree. The short description of this segment is retired or near retirement, empty nesters living active and involved lifestyles. This description is the tip of the iceberg... we have a ton of metadata available about each segment. The screenshot below is just a short preview.
Additionally, each segment belongs to one of seventeen different families. Families are thematically created for ease of understanding and higher level analysis. #RoaringRetirees belongs to the Suburban Boomers family.
Segment ID Codes¶
Each segment has a ID code associated with it. This code serves as a unique identifier for the segment, identifies the family, and an (very basic) indicator of income. Segment and family codes are ordered by income, so segment A01 has the highest median income of all segments. What does the #RoaringRetirees segment code (D02) tell us?
Value | What can it tell us? | |
Full ID code | D02 | Uniquely identifies segment D02 aka #RoaringRetirees |
Family ID | D | This segment is in the D family, Suburban Boomers. This family has the 4th highest median income of all families (only A, B, and C surpass it). |
Within Family ID | 02 | Differentiates this segment from other segments in the same family. This segment has the second highest income of segments in its family. |
ID codes are a quick and easy way to communicate about segments, especially in technical applications.
Table of segment codes, names, and families.¶
Code | Name | Family | Family Name |
A01 | #MidasMight | A | Ultra Wealthy Families |
A02 | #SkyHigh | A | Ultra Wealthy Families |
A03 | #ExclusiveExburbs | A | Ultra Wealthy Families |
A04 | #FamilyOutposts | A | Ultra Wealthy Families |
A05 | #SuburbChic | A | Ultra Wealthy Families |
A06 | #TechTitans | A | Ultra Wealthy Families |
B01 | #FusianFamilies | B | Wealthy Suburban Families |
B02 | #SatelliteScions | B | Wealthy Suburban Families |
B03 | #BackyardBliss | B | Wealthy Suburban Families |
B04 | #BabiesBurbs&Blessings | B | Wealthy Suburban Families |
C01 | #GoodLifeCitizens | C | Upper Suburban Diverse Families |
C02 | #Family&Faith | C | Upper Suburban Diverse Families |
C03 | #FlourishingFusion | C | Upper Suburban Diverse Families |
C04 | #FrugalFashionistas | C | Upper Suburban Diverse Families |
C05 | #Bootstrappers | C | Upper Suburban Diverse Families |
D01 | #Pets&EmptyNests | D | Suburban Boomers |
D02 | #RoaringRetirees | D | Suburban Boomers |
D03 | #BasicBoomers | D | Suburban Boomers |
E01 | #LatinVibe | E | Near-Urban Diverse Families |
E02 | #UrbanFashion | E | Near-Urban Diverse Families |
E03 | #Familias | E | Near-Urban Diverse Families |
E04 | #VivaLaVogue | E | Near-Urban Diverse Families |
E05 | #MixedMecca | E | Near-Urban Diverse Families |
E06 | #AsianEnclaves | E | Near-Urban Diverse Families |
F01 | #GameTimeGlory | F | Blue Collar Suburbs |
F02 | #LatinEngines | F | Blue Collar Suburbs |
F03 | #PennyWiseParents | F | Blue Collar Suburbs |
F04 | #Military | F | Blue Collar Suburbs |
F05 | #OldTownRoad | F | Blue Collar Suburbs |
G01 | #HighRisers | G | Educated Urbanites |
G02 | #SiliconNation | G | Educated Urbanites |
G03 | #Urbanists | G | Educated Urbanites |
H01 | #YoungStars | H | Young Professionals |
H02 | #RisingProfessionals | H | Young Professionals |
H03 | #RaisingTheBar | H | Young Professionals |
H04 | #College | H | Young Professionals |
I01 | #BigCityProgressives | I | Young Urban Singles |
I02 | #Rentadors | I | Young Urban Singles |
I03 | #RustRenters | I | Young Urban Singles |
I04 | #Adulting | I | Young Urban Singles |
I05 | #Solos | I | Young Urban Singles |
J01 | #PicturesqueProsperity | J | Sunset Boomers |
J02 | #DestinationRetirees | J | Sunset Boomers |
J03 | #CouplesCoastingIn | J | Sunset Boomers |
J04 | #GoldenCitySolos | J | Sunset Boomers |
J05 | #ScenicSeniors | J | Sunset Boomers |
K01 | #RuralRetirement | K | Budget Boomers |
K02 | #SnowbirdSet | K | Budget Boomers |
K03 | #BigBoxBoomers | K | Budget Boomers |
K04 | #Faith&Football | K | Budget Boomers |
L01 | #NorthernLights | L | Rural High Income |
L02 | #CornfieldCabernet | L | Rural High Income |
L03 | #CrackerBarrelBarons | L | Rural High Income |
L04 | #PensionPastures | L | Rural High Income |
M01 | #WideOpenSpaces | M | Rural Average Income |
M02 | #JohnDeereCountry | M | Rural Average Income |
M03 | #Camo&Cornfields | M | Rural Average Income |
M04 | #Kids&Country | M | Rural Average Income |
N01 | #DirtRoadDynasty | N | Rural Low Income |
N02 | #SouthernCross | N | Rural Low Income |
N03 | #NativeRoots | N | Rural Low Income |
N04 | #Merica | N | Rural Low Income |
O01 | #SmallTownSatellites | O | Small Town Low Income |
O02 | #MainStreetUSA | O | Small Town Low Income |
O03 | #StartingLine | O | Small Town Low Income |
O04 | #SoulRoots | O | Small Town Low Income |
P01 | #LaVidaRural | P | Lower Hispanic Families |
P02 | #AspiringHispanics | P | Lower Hispanic Families |
P03 | #InTheHeights | P | Lower Hispanic Families |
P04 | #CaballerosUrbanos | P | Lower Hispanic Families |
P05 | #ReggaetonRoads | P | Lower Hispanic Families |
P06 | #DazzledDesperados | P | Lower Hispanic Families |
Q01 | #SalsaSwagger | Q | Urban Low Income |
Q02 | #Ebony&Essence | Q | Urban Low Income |
Q03 | #UrbanDetermined | Q | Urban Low Income |
Q04 | #Soul&Spirit | Q | Urban Low Income |
Q05 | #DieselBlues | Q | Urban Low Income |
Q06 | #BlueCollarGrit | Q | Urban Low Income |
Q07 | #HistoricTransitions | Q | Urban Low Income |
Q08 | #ImpoverishedParents | Q | Urban Low Income |